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Information Event “Overview of the Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and Opportunities for its Development in Panevėžys Region”
The information event, which will take place in Pasvalys, will bring
together representatives of the Pasvalys District Municipality, the Lithuanian Social Business
Association and the regional community. The aim of the event is to discuss the social
entrepreneurship ecosystem and opportunities for its development in Panevėžys County.
The program will include an overview of the legal framework of social business, insights
into the prospects for the development of social business in the region, inspiring stories of social
business leaders. Participants will have the opportunity to get acquainted with good practices,
make valuable connections and discuss the impact of social business.
The event is intended for representatives of local communities, non-governmental
organizations, municipalities and social businesses seeking to contribute to the development of the
region and the establishment of social businesses.
Date: 22.01.2025
Time: 1.30pm – 3.00pm
Location: Vytauto Didžiojo sq. 1, Pasvalys
Topic: “Overview of the Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and Opportunities for its Development
in Panevėžys Region”
1.00pm -1.30pm Registration and welcome coffee
1.30pm-2.00pm Viktorija Bražiūnaitė, Head of the Lithuanian Social Business Association, “The
situation of social business in Lithuania: where are we and where are we going?” (via ZOOM
2.00pm-2.10pm Reda Ruželienė, Deputy Head of the Strategic Planning and Investment
Department of the Rokiškis District Municipality Administration, presentation of the activities of
the project “Improvement of the Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Zemgale and Northern
2.10pm-2.25pm Stasė Idienė, Member of Kriaunos Community Council, “Social Services
2.25pm-2.40pm Danutė Vaičiulienė, Chairwoman of the Kaireliai Village Community, “Social
Business on a Strawberry Farm”
2.40pm-3.00pm Birutė Dapkienė, Founder and Head of Social Business “Salos Manor”, “How
participation in the Academy of Impacts strengthened the creation of social change in the
regional community”
We invite you to participate!
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