Švietimo, sveikatos ir socialinių inovacijų centrasLT
Description: Organization runs various projects on the research base in the sphere of disability, especially vulnerable groups - parents, raising children with disabilities, disadvantaged youth, promoting social inclussion innovations and call for innovative solutions. Also, organization has wide experience in sensory disorders for people with mental health and holistic approach and parental burnout.
Organisation type: Public authority
Organisation’s work area: Klaipeda
Thematic area: accessibility and efficiency of social services, education and learning, equality, social inclusion, and vulnerable groups, health care and rehabilitation, healthy life style and sports
Phone number: +37065367047
E-mail: info@neurosensomotorika.lt
Address: Uogų str. 6, Šilutės raj.
Website: https://www.neurosensomotorika.lt/

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