Pre-school educational institution “Saulīte” of Dagda city
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Project duration
01.03.2024 – 31.08.2025
Project ERDF co-financing
240 720,00 EUR
1.The strong cooperation based on mutual trust, respect and open communication will be built among 4 project partners and will continue after project completition.
2. The competences and skills that are required to work with special needs children and for successful transformation of the partners’ institutions to inclusive kindergartens will be developed.
3. The capacity to transfer partners’ institutions – regular kindergartens to inclusive kindergartens that involves building the knowledge, skills, and infrastructure necessary to create inclusive learning environments for all children, including those with special needs will be built. Special trainings for educators, knowledge about adaptive materials and equipment, involvement of kindergartens community and cooperation with partners will help to create more inclusive and supportive learning environments for all children.
4. The scientifically proven, effective methodologies and therapy used for work and educate children with special needs (hyperactivity, movement and behaviour disorders and autism) will be learnt and integrated to the everyday work of partners’ educators.