Workshop on Modern tourism: paying for services digitally

Om 17th May 2024 Akmene District Municipality invited tourism specialists from Šiauliai region and project partners from Lithuania to the workshop “Modern tourism: paying for services digitally”. During this seminar the theoretical and practical possibilities of how to digitize the billing for tourism services were analysed.

In the first part of the workshop lecturer Tadas Narutavičius gave a theoretical presentation about digital transformation, application of artificial intelligence in tourism and provided examples of currently existing means of digitized payment in different tourism objects in the world.

Deividas Urbonavičius, founder of TrenkTuras, shared the history of its origin and practical knowledge about how to achieve successful ticketing in mass tours.

The second part of the seminar was devoted to practice: learning how to use the ChatGPT program and using artificial intelligence to model proposals for the digitization of tourism services in tourism institutions.

Links to the original publications:

This article has been prepared with the financial support of the European Union. Akmenė District Municipality Administration is fully responsible for its content, and it may not reflect the official position of the European Union.

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