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Project duration
01.03.2025 – 28.02.2027
Project ERDF co-financing
603 968,55 EUR
MATOMI. Modern Art of Technologies to Open Museums for Innovation
Common territorial challenge (s) that will be tackled by the project
The Lithuania-Latvia border region faces significant challenges in the cultural sector, with remote museums struggling to meet the evolving needs of modern tourists. Issues include outdated exhibitions, a lack of digital tools, limited funding, poor infrastructure, and low cooperation between museums.Project objective
The project MATOMI aims to create and develop an international cooperation network of museums across the border region. The project will create a joint cultural route featuring 13 museums, improve existing expositions and develop new ones in four museums using modern design and technological innovations. It will also provide comprehensive training for museum staff to work with new technologies and engage effectively with diverse audiences, including those with limited access.Planned activities
Project partners will unite their resources and implement networking activities during the project in order to create and develop an international museums cooperation network and to ensure the viability of cultural tourism in the region. Different common and separate training cycles for museum staff from LT and LV will take place during the project. Common promotion and communication activities such as creation of advertising video, interactive map of the new international museums route will be implemented. Partners will also jointly participate in the international tourism fair in Berlin, hold online conferences for the Lithuanian and Latvian audiences. Ignalina regional, Utena Local Lore, Zarasai Regional and Rotko museums exhibitions will be improved with innovative technologies. Finally, there will be developed new joint cultural tourism products: international museums' touristic route in LV-LT cross border territory, interactive info terminals/screens with joint interactive map and promotional video, VR systems for 9 Latgale museums. The project results and improved museums' exhibitions will be presented in local opening events.Social media and contacts:
Phone: (0-682) 13864
Address: Ateities str. 43, 30119 Ignalina, Lithuania