Digital solutions for intangible cultural heritage

In today’s society, there is an increasing demand for digital solutions, and technology is becoming more integrated into a wide range of industries, products and services. However, the learning and use of intangible cultural heritage (hereafter “ICH”) is often limited to traditional working methods, making it difficult for ICH offerings to compete with modern digitally equipped centres for learning and entertainment. This is why there is a need to diversify and further introduce new modern methods and tools for the preservation, learning and promotion of ICH, as there are few opportunities to generate interest among children and young people.

On 30 July 2024, Latgale Planning Region met online with cooperation partners from Daugavpils state city municipal institution “Unity House” (LV), Krāslava Municipality (LV), Anīkščiai Art Incubator – Art Studio (LT) and Panevėžys District Municipality Administration (LT) to create a united digital tourism product – cross-border tourism route “Digital Craft Skills” in the project “Digital crafts tourism” (acronym D-tour).

The combination of digital exhibitions into one common tourism product is a coherent complement to the “Tour de Crafts Cross-border Tourism Concept” (2022), developed by the Latgale Planning Region within the project LLl-539 “Craftsmanship as Tourism Product without Borders” (Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania 2014-2020). The cross-border tourism route concept aims to promote the sustainable use of traditional craft skills, preserving and promoting them as a common feature of the cultural heritage of the cross-border area of Latvia and Lithuania and as a common tourism product, which in the long term could attract tourist interest to the Latgale region and the counties of Utena and Panevėžys (Aukštaitija), as well as to better integrate craftsmen as partners in the creation and implementation of tourism projects and products in practice.

The “D-Tour” project will create a digital series of interactive exhibitions in the Latgale region (Latvia) and the districts of Utena and Panevėžys (Lithuania). Various crafts will be included in five digital exhibitions: the “Universe of Traditional Crafts of Latgale” in Daugavpils, a virtual exhibition on woodworking, specific wooden architecture in Krāslava, an exhibition on ceramics in Aniksiai and two craft exhibitions in the Panevėžys region – on traditional linen weaving in Aukštaitija and traditional folk musical instruments in the Panevėžys region.

These exhibitions will not only showcase traditional crafts, skills and the use of natural materials, but will also serve as a bridge between ancient traditions and modern technologies, promoting a deeper understanding of the cultural richness of the regions.

Iveta Maļina-Tabūne, Head of Administration of the Latgale Planning Region and Latgale Special Economic Zone acknowledges that by effectively combining and using modern technological solutions and traditional cultural heritage, a new, innovative cultural and tourism product will be created that will provide new opportunities for education and leisure, attract new people interested in traditional cultural expressions through modern technological solutions, as well as attract tourists and increase the number of visitors to the region.

The project “Digital crafts tourism” (acronym D-tour; No LL-00100) is co-funded by the European Union. The project is implemented within the Interreg VI-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2021-2027.

The total project budget is EUR 697 275.  The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund with EUR 557 820.

Interreg VI-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2021–2027 aims to enhance the sustainable and cohesive socioeconomic development of its regions by fostering competitiveness and attractiveness for residents, students, workers, and visitors alike, thereby creating environments conducive to living, studying, working, and visiting.

Programme website: About the project:

This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the Latgale Planning Region and does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Parliament

Project manager: Sarmīte Teivāne, +371 65423801, e-mail:, Latgale Planning Region.

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