Language learning summer camps were held in Lithuania

Four summer camps have already been held under the project “Language – a key to understanding your neighbor” (LingoKey). Children from Lithuania and Latvia had an opportunity not only to learn each other’s language, but also to get acquainted with Lithuanian culture, visit natural and tourist sites.

On May 26-28, the first camp took place in Joniskis Matas Slanciauskas gymnasium. The participants came from Auces gymnasium (Latvia) and Joniskis Matas Slanciauskas gymnasium (Lithuania). There were quite a lot of activities – lectures of Baltic Culture Promotion Center, visited Vilnius, The Palace of Grand Dukes of Lithuania, several museums. The students took part in the festival “Skamba skamba kankliai”. They danced, sang and made art together, solved puzzles, took part in sports competitions.

On June 6-9, the second camp took place in Joniskis primary school “Saule”. Participants were from Joniskis “Saule” Primary School (Lithuania) and Elejas Secondary School. They visited the trampoline park, the Basketball Museum of Joniškis Days, and the evenings were filled with sports competitions, hikes, picnics and art. There were many emotions, strong bonds were formed among the students. At the end of the camp, the students received diplomas and promised to meet again.

The third camp was held on June 11-13 in Joniskis District Primary School together with Auces Secondary School. Participants from both schools took part in Lithuanian folklore program, learned games, dances and songs. They visited the swamp “Mušos Tyrelio” and even met the witch who lives there. The students had to do all sorts of tasks, such as identifying animal footprints, naming an animal in both Lithuanian and Latvian, learning about various plants. Participants enjoyed playing a game “Geometric Adventures”, drawing ornaments on cloth, making souvenirs, learning Lithuanian and Latvian languages, and organizing an evening of dances and games.

The last camp was held in Žagare gymnasium in Joniskis region on June 17-20. The camp gathered almost 50 students from Skaistgiris gymnasium of Joniskis region (Lithuania), Augstkalne primary school (Latvia) and Žagare gymnasium of Joniskis region (Lithuania). The participants had an opportunity to learn about Žagarė, take part in educational activities in Žagarė Manor and Doll House, where they could make dolls and flower crowns, taste porridge made in the open air. The next day they visited Klaipėda Sea Museum and its dolphins, had a boat ride and a picnic by the sea. In the evenings, the students studied Latvian and Lithuanian, but also went treasure hunting, dancing and singing in discoteque and karaoke.

All participants of the “LingoKey” project are united by a strong desire to use their language as a key to get to know each other and share culture for the people living on the borders of Lithuania and Latvia.

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