Project “Safe Response” initiates infrastructure works for fire-safety purposes in Jelgava Local Municipality

There has been a critical need to restore the existing closed water reservoir and to build water intake points to ensure the fire safety of Jēkabnieki village and the surrounding areas in case of a fire. Infrastructure works has been initiated within the Latvia-Lithuania Cross-border Cooperation Program’s project No. LL-00077 “Safe Response”.

The territory where the construction works has begun has a historical water intake site – reservoirs with rotary well shafts. Shrub clearing has recently been completed, and the cleaning of the surface of the reservoir’s upper edge perimeter and preparation for masonry are underway to clean and restore the closed firefighting reservoir.

Reinforced concrete panels were used in the ceilings, and concrete structures need to be repaired in places where the reinforcement has been exposed and there are spalls. The concrete coating around the reservoir will be renewed along the perimeter after removing the crumbled brick edge. After completion of the masonry and concreting work, it is planned to fill in the exposed slopes, compact the soil, and create a lawn.

Two existing reinforced concrete wells are intended for water intake for firefighting vehicles, but two more reinforced concrete well shafts have been built in front of these wells, where the gates on the pipes must be restored. The wells will be sealed against surface water and groundwater inflow. New gravity-fed pipelines are planned to be built for water inflow into the wells, while protective screens are planned at their ends to prevent outflow from the reservoir. The water intake wells will be equipped with ladders, and the well covers will be restored. An area for firefighting vehicles is planned to ease access to the water intake site, thus the water intake site will be equipped in accordance with Cabinet Regulation No. 238 “Fire Safety Regulations”.

The construction works – “Renovation of an existing water reservoir and construction of water intakes for firefighting purposes at Jēkabnieki village, Svēte parish, Jelgava Local Municipality” are executed with the funding of the Interreg VI-A Latvia-Lithuania Cross-border Program 2021-2027 project No. LL-00077 ” Response and Prevention of Climate Change Risks and Extreme Weather Events in the Cross border Region of Latvia and Lithuania / Safe Response”. The budget for these infrastructure works at Jelgava Local Municipality makes total of 48 290,63 EUR, including ERDF funding of 30 976 EUR and state budget funding of 3 872 EUR.

There will be a number of following activities in Jelgava Local Municipality and project scope – an educational campaign on fire safety in 16 educational institutions, trainings for municipal specialists and educational institution managers on responding/operational actions in crisis situations, training for municipal police about rescue on water, experience exchange visits between project partners – Jelgava Local Municipality, Aizkraukle Local Municipality, Bauska Local Municipality and 2 municipalities from Lithuania – Joniškis district municipality administration, Pakruojis district municipality administration; cross-border civil defense and disaster simulation exercises.

Jelgava Local Municipality is planning to purchase equipment and inventory to strengthen civil defense capacity (for operational purposes and various weather conditions – an emergency services inflatable tent with a hot air blower, folding table and chairs; power generators and fuel can reserves; a powerful water pump; power converters for charging devices and handheld flashlights for the municipal police with a mounting mechanism for operative car; rescue stretchers for water rescue; person evacuation stretchers).

The total project budget is 673 755,26 EUR; ERDF funding share 539 004,20 EUR, Jelgava Local Municipality share 107 250,25 EUR (support intensity – 80% ERDF co-financing, 10% state budget grant, 10% JLM co-financing.

Project No. LL-00077 ” Response and Prevention of Climate Change Risks and Extreme Weather Events in the Cross-border Region of Latvia and Lithuania / Safe Response” is implemented within the framework of the Interreg VI-A Latvia-Lithuania Program 2021-2027. This publication was prepared with the financial support of the European Union. Jelgava Local Municipality is solely responsible for its content, which may not reflect the views of the European Union.

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