Salmon at the fry stage of development requires careful surveillance. It is important to ensure the correct water temperature, sufficient oxygen, good water exchange and appropriate feeding. Attention should also be paid to the density and health of the fish.
❗️These factors help the salmon fry to grow successfully, adapt to smoltification and prepare for release into the rivers.
Within the framework of the INTERREG project SPPwelfare, colleagues from fish farms and researchers from the scientific institute “BIOR” (Latvia) and Fisheries service (Lithuania) carried out health monitoring of salmon fry and data collection for the development of the Fish Health Index Model (FHIM) at the Latvian fish farm “Pelči” and the Lithuanian salmon farm “Žeimena”.
As a part of the monitoring, researchers and fish farmers made sure that the fry had optimal weight gain, condition and that changes in fish health were closely related to compliance with welfare requirements.
Why is this important?
✔️We work to ensure strong and healthy salmon fingerlings that will survive in the wild and provide future generations.
✔️ We develop the Fish Health Index Model to quickly diagnose potential problems.
✔️ We care about preserving the salmon population for the future.