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Project duration
01.03.2024 – 28.02.2026
Project ERDF co-financing
603 807,32 EUR
Green Stories
Green stories. Society education and raising public awareness on the importance of flora to humanity
Common territorial challenge (s) that will be tackled by the project
1. Preservation of rare plants Biodiversity is facing unprecedented threats due to human activities: habitat destruction, pollution, climate change. 2. Preservation of historical plants In PPs territories dramatic historical events took place, making not only economical, social damage but also plants that existed closest to human in various eras were lost. 3. Decreasing interest in nature sciences Nature science activities aren't popular in schools, students don‘t choose the latter fields as their studies. 4. The influence of seasonality on park visitors flows The biggest visitors flows lasts 4-5 months a year in both parks. Thus, human and other resources are used ineffectively.Project objective
The project aims to increase the public's, especially schoolchildren's, awareness of the importance of flora to humanity, nature conservation, by applying innovative solutions based on educational content and natural sciences such as interdisciplinary educational packages for general public and staff of PP’s organizations, as well as newly developed outdoor and indoor educational spaces, specific surveys on rare and historic plant species.Planned activities
• Creation and application of the educational packages for ANP and DU indoor and outdoor educational spaces intended for schoolchildren, students, general public: - Cognitive educations of different nature topics through various formal education tasks; - Thematic - scientific educations, using various technologies: tablets, microscopes, carrying out various experiments; - Specialized attractive educations - thematic excursions aimed at: getting to know the Aukštaitija National Park, Labanoros Regional Park, Sileni Nature Park, revealing the context of historical plants, updating the issues of endangered plant species; - Thematic meetings with scientists intended to find out, hear about relevant innovations, interesting facts, etc. in biological topics; - International scientific schoolchildren camps in LT and LV; - Crowd works of nature conservation enthusiasts for the care of rare plant habitats in LT. • activities for improving the skills and knowledge of project partners' employees (training sessions, scientific conferences); • inventory research of historical and rare plants in the project areas (Sileni Nature Park (LV), Aukštaitija National Park and Labanoras Regional Park reserves (LT)), development of scientific databases, publication of plant catalogs; • creation and development of educational indoor and outdoor spaces in the territories of project partners (Directorate of Aukštaitija National Park and Labanoras Regional Park, Palūšė (LT), Study and Research Center "Ilgas" of Daugavpils University (LV)): educational center - a dome with a simulation laboratory of lunar plants, a modular research and educational space, an expository garden of historical plants of region in Palūšė, the development of outdoor educational spaces of the University of Daugavpils (trails, classrooms, plant expositions).Social media and contacts:
Phone: +370 386 53135
Address: Lūšių g. 16, LT-30202 Palūšės k., Ignalinos r.
December 17, 2024 - December 17, 2024
Conference "Nature and Human: Challenges, Coexistence and Nature Protection"Parādes iela 1, Daugavpils, Latvia