Project duration
01.02.2024 – 31.01.2026

Project ERDF co-financing
373 449,65 EUR



Innovative psychosocial and physical rehabilitation methods for vulnerable people stress overcome towards better social inclussion

Common territorial challenge (s) that will be tackled by the project

The project partners tackle the main Baltic sea territorial challenge and stress of vulnerable people because of climate change as far they are affected most and translate to a substantial public health burden. The impacts of climate change on the marine environment are by nature very varied. They affect physically, mentally and socially the various ecological components including human itself. Achieving the overall strategic goal three partners are going to organize sustainable activities – new services in order to widen educational background of public, also create new services in the coastal are in order to less the stress of vulnerable people and to raise the awareness.

Project objective

To create the integrated psychosocial and physical rehabilitation measures dealing with climate-related challenges towards better social inclusion of vulnerable groups in LAT-LIT area.

Planned activities

Three partners are going to organize sustainable activities – create new services in the coastal are to less the stress of vulnerable people and to raise the awareness. A new Forest Bathing therapy will be integrated in all project partners organizations service lists. VSIA "Piejūras slimnīca" will create and promote the new speech and communication therapy. The Work Therapy will be created and integrated in Klaipeda St. Francis of Assisi monastery. The Halotherapy and the Group physiotherapy - in Palanga “Pušynas” Rehabilitation Branch of PI Republican Hospital of Klaipėda. Dissemination and sharing of good practices within the program area and beyond its boundaries will be ensured through the partners networking. It’s planned that more than 3000 patients of partners institution will benefit from the project results yearly.

Social media and contacts:

Phone: +371 634 25311
Address: Jūrmalas Str. 2, 3416 Liepāja, Latvia
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