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Project duration
01.02.2024 – 31.01.2026
Project ERDF co-financing
161 217,74 EUR
Quality under control
Capacity building of public sector professionals to improve the quality of provided services in local and regional authorities of Siauliai and Bauska regions
Common territorial challenge (s) that will be tackled by the project
Globalization and urbanization influence concentration of human capital and resources in bigger centres which triggers the need for regions as Siauliai and Bauska to look for innovative approaches to maintain their competitiveness and resilience. Border regions are typically considered to have a higher risk to become peripheral (being away from networks, disconnected with its environment) and to fail provide qualitative services. The common territorial challenge is the lack of quality of provided public services in both Lithuania and Latvia. The improvement of the quality of public services is one of the important goals in the advancement of the operation of state/ public administration in Lithuania and Latvia.Project objective
Project overall objective is to improve capacity of public sector professionals in local and regional authorities of Šiauliai and Bauska regions by improving the quality of accessible public services through sharing good practices and organisation of seminars and workshops to raise the motivation and competences of the personnel.Planned activities
Activity 1.1 - Organisation of seminars and trainings for administrative staff to improve the capacity and upskilling in their everyday work. Activity 1.2 - Organisation of trainings to improve staff stress relief and motivation. Activity 2.1 - Organisation of experience exchange trips. Activity 2.2 - Development of common quality standard guidance document for the provision of tourism related services. Activity 2.3 - Organisation of trainings for administrative staff to improve the knowledge on city identity and urban marketing. Activity 2.4 - Organisation of final event - forum.Project results
After project completion Siauliai TIC and Bauska Municipality will continue cooperation, partners will sign cooperation agreement and continue joint activities such as experience exchange meetings and trainings of personnel and target groups according to the developed quality standard guidance document for the provision of tourism related services.
Jointly developed solution quality standard guidance document for the provision of tourism related services will be taken onboard and used by both partners organisation to provide trainings for tourism information centres employees.