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Project duration
01.02.2024 – 31.01.2026
Project ERDF co-financing
293 696,83 EUR
Safe and diverse
Protection of biodiversity and green infrastructure by development of the sustainable management of areas used for recreation in Birzai and Aizkraukle
Common territorial challenge (s) that will be tackled by the project
Birzai and Aizkraukle are neighbouring municipalities sharing~60 km of the border. The need to preserve the biodiversity is not limited by the borders: species are migrating, seeds of plants are traveling with the wind/are transported by animals. Both municipalities identify the same problems: 1. General public lack knowledge/skills to protect the nature. There is a risk of losing valuable ecosystems and unique biodiversity. 2. Areas used for recreation near Sirvena lake in LT and Daugava river in LV contain valuable ecosystems and rare, protected species and sustainable measures need to be taken to protect the biodiversity and habitats.Project objective
To preserve the biodiversity and green infrastructure by development, implementation and promotion of the sustainable management of areas used for recreation and fostering eco-friendly and zero-waste way of living in Birzai and Aizkraukle.Planned activities
Green infrastructure near Daugava river in Aizkraukle (approx. 700 m) will be developed and sustainably adopted to preserve the biodiversity and protect green infrastructure, water drinking point, motion-lightening and steps to preserve the tree roots from the damage will be established. 1 fossa (pit) (approx. 690 m) near Sirvena lake in Birzai will be cleaned from human caused pollution. While cleaning it, the water regime will not be disturbed to preserve the rare and protected species living in the area. Sustainable nature protection measures will be applied in both territories: bird houses, artificial nesting sites, wintering and day shelters and insect hotels, informational stands in LT and insect house, bat cages with their monitoring systems, informational stands in LV will be installed, taking into account the recommendations of experts after the inventory of biodiversity. There will be activities, that will help to raise the awareness about the biodiversity protection and enhance the changes of the inhabitants’ behaviors' by promoting eco-friendly and zero waste way of living and improving general skills needed: conference, Zero-waste youth festival and idea contest to select the best idea for the festival, Eco camp, 16 educational activities for children, 2 idea contests for insects, toads, birds houses / nests/ hiding places will be organized, 4 videos stories will be created and story sharing contests will be organized, 2 experience exchange visits and 2 round table discussions organized. In activities over 40 stakeholder organiztions will be involved. Each partner will contribute to the project by implementing project activities in time and on planned project budget. National financial audit control service will be purchased. Declaration between PPs will be signed to ensure continuity of the activities after project lifetime.Project results
Planned activities will generate long-term results. Green infrastructure near Daugava river in Aizkraukle (approx. 700 m) will be developed and sustainably adopted to preserve the biodiversity and protect green infrastructure, water drinking point, motion-lightening and steps to preserve the tree roots from the damage will be established.
1 fossa (pit) (approx. 690 m) near Sirvena lake in Birzai will be cleaned from human caused pollution. While cleaning it, the water regime will not be disturbed to preserve the rare and protected species living in the area. Works will be performed in compliance with the conditions of the State service for protected areas under the Ministry of Environment.
Sustainable nature protection measures will be applied in both territories: up to 20 bird houses (nest boxes); up to 5 artificial nesting sites; up to 10 wintering and day shelters fortoads; up to 3 insect hotels in Biržai, 2 informational stands in LT and 1 insect house, 4 bat cages with their monitoring systems, 2 informational stands in LV will be installed, taking into account the recommendations of experts after the inventory of biodiversity.
With the purpose to raise the awareness about the biodiversity protection and enhance the changes of the inhabitants’ behaviors’ by promoting eco-friendly and zero waste way of living and improving general skills needed there wil be: 1 conference, 1 Zero-waste youth festival, 1 Eco camp, 16 educational activities for children, 2 idea contests for insects, toads, birds houses / nests/ hiding places will be organized, 4 videos stories will be prepared and 2 video story sharing contests will be organized , 2 experience exchange visits by specialists and stakeholders and 2 round table discussions organized (1 for members of local communities, youth, volunteer organizations, local conservation organizations and 1 for members of surrounding municipalities), 1 signed declaration between PPs about the continuation of the activities after project lifetime.
Social media and contacts:
October 9, 2024 - October 9, 2024
Start of the contest "THE HIDING PLACES OF NATURE FRIENDS" with a famous naturalist Marius ČepulisBiržai, Biržai District Municipality, Lithuania