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Presentation of digital solutions “Reclaimed History” in Lielvircava Manor and Lielplatone Manor
On November 30, 2024, new digital solutions will be presented at Lielvircava and Lielplatone manors in Jelgava Local Municipality. These solutions will offer a glimpse into the cultural and historical heritage of the past and enhance the attractiveness of the manors. At Lielvircava Manor, a partial collection of items deposited by Baron Peter von Klopman has been digitized and can now be viewed interactively. Additionally, a recreated window displays scenes from 19th-century manor life. Meanwhile, at Lielplatone Manor, digital projections have been created on a piano, illustrating piano performances and playing 19th-century music that reflects the spirit of the manor. Everybody interested is welcome to attend the event!
Event title: Presentation of digital solutions “Reclaimed History”
Date/ Time: 30.11.2024. Lielvircava Manor 14pm, Lielplatone Manor 17pm
Place: Lielvircava Manor, Lielplatone Manor