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Project duration
01.02.2024 – 31.01.2026
Project ERDF co-financing
575 776,00 EUR
All about ponds
Restoration of water bodies through cross-border cooperation
Common territorial challenge (s) that will be tackled by the project
The project addresses common territorial challenges in urban areas of Šilutė and Kuldīga. Both project partners face common problems when ponds are abandoned and polluted in the historical areas of the towns. The common territorial challenge that will be tackled by this project is to regenerate public areas with environmental problems. Šilutė and Kuldīga ponds are unused and overgrown in public and residential areas, the potential of which is currently high, but limited due to the condition of the ponds. Cleaning ponds, restoring ecosystems and biodiversity is an important factor in creating higher quality of living, it also creates better conditions for new investments, business development and reduction of social exclusion.Project objective
Main project objective is to create a suitable, healthy and sustainable environment for local society. The project goal is to restore water bodies in urban areas in order to clean them from pollution, restore ecosystems, preserve the protected plant species in Šilutė and Kuldīga towns through cross-border cooperation by good practice exchange and establishment of cross-border water bodies monitoring system as joint solution for future safeguarding.Planned activities
Activity 1.1 Organisation of events. Organisation of international conference, experience exchange visits, other events. Activity 1.2 “Pilot technology and monitoring system” The pilot technology and monitoring system includes the introducing pilot technology and monitoring of water bodies before and after the restoration. The piloted actions consist of 1) introduction of pilot plant and fish species to the ponds 2) monitoring of pilot actions in the ponds before and after works. 4) conducting the recommendations and conclusions after the works 3) dissemination of the achieved results to the public during international conference. Activity 2.1 “Restoration of water bodies”. Cleaning of H. Scheu park ponds in Šilutė, Cleaning of Māra pond in Kuldīga, Fish and plant breeding in H. Scheu park ponds and in Māra pond in Kuldīga. Activity 3.1 "Publicity activity". Posters, Information stands, website and social media posts, Articles in the news paper.Project results
1)Two municipalities (Šilutė and Kuldīga) across the border joined in the environmental field in order to clean the ponds, restore the ecosystems, biodiversity and establish the monitoring system in order to approve the pilot action by introducing the plants and fish species to the cleaned ponds. Long-term cooperation contract among project partners signed at the beginning of the project, reflecting the common efforts in environmental field.
2) Cleaned ponds, that at the beginning of the project were polluted with toxic substances, oil products and heavy metals. Pilot plants and fish introduced to the ponds. The pilot technology performed on pilot investment during the project including monitoring in order to provide the evidence that the pilot investment by LP and PP2 was successful. Results posted on websites of LP and PP2, freely accessible to the public.