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Project duration
01.02.2024 – 31.01.2026
Project ERDF co-financing
523 266,00 EUR
Ice-jam flood risk management in Latvian and Lithuanian regions with respect to climate change
Common territorial challenge (s) that will be tackled by the project
Climate change adaptation plans for Latvia and Lithuania include flood risk reduction and management. The ice-jam phenomena are insufficiently investigated in terms of ice-jam floods formation, though it is an additional flood source that can lead to inundation of vast areas and severe damage to inhabitants and the economy. Ice jam' phenomenon is almost unpredictable. However, analysis of several events, meteorological and hydrological conditions, will allow to develop the ice-jam flood formation' concept. Through transnational cooperation of national and local public authorities, project will propose and transfer good practices to target groups to improve ice-jam flood management in the context of climate change.Project objective
The overall objective of the project is to improve the management of ice-jam flood risk using corresponding flood maps and the conceptual model of ice-jam flood formation with respect to climate change. These project results can be used by all target groups in the planning of national ice-jam flood protection measures and implementation of flood risk management plans in municipal territoriesPlanned activities
First of all the conceptual model of the ice-jam formation and flood inundation caused by this phenomenon will be developed on the base of historical data analysis. Also changes in the appearance of the ice jam due to climate change impact will be evaluated. Then ice flood hazard and risk maps with 0.5%, 1%, 10% probabilities and for years 2030, 2070, 2100 will be developed. Based on the project results, the Flood Risk Information System in Latvia and Warning System in Lithuania will be improved by adding information on ice-jam formation and possible ice flood. Flood maps with affected areas and data integration in Warning systems in both countries will be available for national and local authorities and target groups.Social media and contacts:
Phone: +37129995294
Address: Riga, Latgales str. 165 LV-1019